All About Acne Series: Treatment Part 1


Acne is an extremely common skin problem that 90% of the population will experience at some point in their life and is simply the obstruction of hair follicles. In our previous blog, we discussed the stages and causes of acne. In this blog, we will discuss treatment which is heavy based on the stages. By addressing one of or multiple stages with interventions, we can effectively cure acne or at least improve it’s appearance.  

Stage 1: Oil occlusion 

Is there a way for people to decrease their skin’s oil production so that it does not clog pores? This is step is hard because there are very few ways this can be accomplished. Accutane is a prescription product dermatologist use to decrease oil production; however, there are not many over the counter options. Niacinamide is an ingredient that has some evidence that it might decrease oil production and is worth a try. It is also helpful to set your skin up for success by not ramping up even more production. This includes using our gentle facial cleansers and avoid stripping the skin of its oil. This can be counterintuitive because people naturally want to remove as much of the oil as possible through strong cleansers, astringents, or toners. However, when the body feels like its oil is being stripped, it actually increases its oil production even more.  

Stage 2: Dead skin cell occlusion  

The first option is retinoids. This ingredient promotes skin cell turnover meaning the dead skin cells are constantly being replaced by newer skin cells decreasing the amount of cells clogging the pores. Second options are ingredients that de-clog the superficial layers of obstruction. These include salicylic acid and glycolic acids (such as our vitamin c serums)These compounds are also effective in preventing pore obstruction and acne.   

Stay tuned for our next blog which will dive into more ways to treat acne systematically.  

At Solangel Med Spa, we fuse science, technology, and skin care to deliver the best results so you can look and feel your best. With treatments targeting anti-aging, skin brightness (such as our vitamin C skin care products, vitamin C Micro-derm polish, and vitamin C serums), hyperpigmentation, acne and more, there is a treatment out there for whatever goals you have. From peels to lasers to micro needling, the options are endless. Give us a call today to talk with our highly trained and friendly staff to book your next appointment! Call soon as appointments are going fast!     


All About Acne Series: Treatment Part 2


All About Acne Series: What is Acne and What Causes It?